Happy Halloween from Karen’s Chatt! This is our Halloween display in our back yard. It should come as no surprise that it is a little cemetery! This is what the little cemetery looks like at night: I wish all of you a Happy Halloween!
Tag: Halloween
Oct 28
Halloween Memories
Halloween is just a few days away and many people will pass out candy to young trick-or-treaters very soon. Years ago this was also known as Beggar’s Night. When Joe and I were first married we lived in Celina I noticed a difference between trick-or-treating in the country and trick-or-treating in town. When I was …
Oct 25
Tombstone Tuesday–Halloween Edition
Halloween is less than a week away and today I am going to deviate from my usual Tombstone Tuesday post and instead show some tombstone art I have photographed over the years. I hope you enjoy the photos. Some photos taken while we were in Boston, when our son Jeff ran the Boston Marathon in …
Oct 31
Happy Halloween!
Everyone likes to dress up for Trick or Treat and the students at Zion Lutheran Schumm’s parochial school were no exception. Shown below are parochial school students in 1943. Their teacher Gordon Mackenson was the only one not wearing a costume. It would be difficult to guess just who was behind those masks. Actually, one …