Tombstone Tuesday–Henry G. Schumm

Henry G. Schumm, Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm, Van Wert County, Ohio.

This is the tombstone of Henry G. Schumm, located in row 4 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm, Van Wert County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed:

Henry G. Schumm

Georg Heinrich Schumm was born 14 November 1854 near Schumm in Willshire Township, Van Wert County, Ohio. He was the tenth of fourteen children born to Georg Martin and Maria (Pflüger) Schumm. Henry was baptized 19 November 1854 at home. His baptismal sponsors were Ludwig Schumm and wife, Friedrich Schumm and wife and Pastor John Georg Streckfuss and his wife Margaretha. Henry’s father, George Martin, was one of the Schumms that immigrated to America in 1833.

Heinrich G. Schumm married Anna Roehm on 1 April 1879 at the home of her parents. They had the following children: Maria Amalia (1880-1946; m. John Henry “Hugo” Schumm), Anna Wilhemina (1883-1901), Henrietta Clara (1885-1901), Walter Emanuel (1888-1967; m. Erna Theresa Schumm) and Esther Emilie (1893-1983; m. Amos C. Schumm).

Henry’s wife Anna (1857-1901) died in 1901 and Henry married Wilhelmina (Kramer/Kroemer) Limecooley on 23 November 1904 in Allen County, Indiana, by Henry Luchn. [1]

Henry George Schumm died 26 July 1939 near Schumm at the age of 84 years, 8 months and 12 days. He was buried 29 July 1939 in Zion Lutheran Cemetery.  His funeral text was 1 Timothy 1:15, with Pastor A. Moeller officiating.


H.G. Schumm Laid To Rest Saturday
With simple, but impressive rites, Henry G. Schumm, one of the oldest members of Zion Lutheran Church at Schumm, was laid to rest in the congregation’s cemetery at Schumm, last Saturday afternoon.

A German service was conducted at the old homestead for the family and other relatives. A girls’ choir sang in German the ancient choral: “Lord Jesus Who Dost Love Me,” a favorite hymn of the departed grandfather.

The service in the church was conducted in English. The Walther League Choir sang a 17th century selection appropriate for the occasion. The pastor of the church at Schumm was in charge of both services. In spite of the inclement weather, a large number of relatives and friends from far and near filled the church to pay last respects to Grandfather Schumm. [2]


[1] Indiana Marriages 1811-1959, Allen County, Indiana, Vol. 27:38, digital image, ( : accessed 10 December 2012).

[2] The Willshire Herald, Willshire, Ohio, 27 July 1939, p.8.





  1. Zion in Willshire (Schumm) and Zion in Chatt have a very close relationship in the early days, did they not. In fact they shared ministers, etc. However, now Chatt is ELCA (or whatever the new merged Lutheran core group is) and Schumm is Missouri, if I remember correctly. Wisconsin and Missouri are the only two Lutheran denominations not rolled into the ELCA are they not? How did the two Zions get separated, do you know? As I recall, they both started out as Ohio synid because they refused to be called “Missouri” syn. (Line in the history that you put together). Of course my memory could be pretty far off on such points. Do you still have those books?

    1. A couple points of clarification. Zion Chatt and Zion Schumm were never joint congregations. As far as I know they never shared a minister. Zion Schumm has always been Missouri Synod and their congregation was established before Zion Chatt. Zion Schumm was established in 1846 and Zion Chatt in 1855. Zion Chatt was established as a break-away congregation from St. Paul Liberty. St. Paul Liberty is about 1 1/2 miles from Chatt, on Wabash Road. Zion Chatt was part of the ALC (American Lutheran Church) then joined the ELCA, which was formed about 1986. Zion Chatt voted to leave the ELCA in December 2011 and we are now part of a new synod, the NALC (North American Lutheran Church).

  2. Thanks Karen. It is great to have access to your historical knowledge.

    I have never heard of the NALC, though I must confess I could not understand how all the Lutheran churches fit into the ELCA which was just far left from anything I remembered from being raised at Zion.

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