This is the tombstone of Johann Michael Grund, located in row 3 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm, Van Wert County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed:
J. Michael
Sohn von
[?] Maria
Den. 19, Novbr, 1857
24 Jahre 19 Tag
J. Michael, son of [?] Grund, died 19 November 1857, age 24 years, 19 days.
Portions of this broken tombstone are nearly impossible to read, but additional information can be obtained from the Zion Lutheran Schumm’s church records.
According to the church records Johann Michael Grund was born in Gerabronn, Wuerttemberg, and was the son of Johann Grund. The records indicate that Johann Michael arrived in America in 1852.
There are several Grunds mentioned in Zion Schumm’s records. The earliest mention is when Rosina Grund, daughter of Mr. Grund, was a baptismal sponsor for Rosina Elisabeth Gaier in 1854. There were also some Grund marriages in the Schumm area. Martin Gaier was married to Margaretha Grund and Adam Büchner married to Rosina Grund in the 1850s. These could very well be the same Grund family.
According to Zion Schumm’s records, Johann Michael Grund died very suddenly on 19 November 1857, at the age of 24 years and 22 days. His date of birth would be 28 October 1833 as calculated from the church records. He was only in this country for about 5 years.
His age, as recorded in the church records, differs from the age inscribed on his tombstone. According to his tombstone his date of birth would be calculated as 31 October 1833.