This is the tombstone of Anna Rosina Geisler, located in row 7 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm, Van Wert County, Ohio. The gravestone is inscribed: Hier ruht in Gott Anna Rosina, ehefrau von Georg Geisler, Geb. den 18 Feb. 1829, Gest. den 25 Nov. 1899. Alter 70 Jahr, 9 Mo, 7 Ta. When translated the marker reads: Here rests in God Anna Rosina, wife of Georg Geisler, born 18 Feb 1829, died 25 Nov 1899, aged 70 years, 9 months, 7 days.
Anna Rosina Geissler’s death record as it is written in the church records of Zion Lutheran, Schumm: Mrs. Rosina Geissler, born Hoffmann, born 18 Feb 1829 in Waldeck, Dieketsbuehl [spelling uncertain], Bayern, died 25 Nov 1899 of jaundice, age 70 years, 9 months, 15 days. She was buried on 28 Nov 1899 in the parish cemetery. Text 1 Thes. 4: 13-18. [note: In the church records the name Geisler is sometimes spelled Geissler.]
Anna “Rosina” Hoffmann married Pankratius Schinnerer [brother of my great-great-grandfather Friedrich Schinnerer] on 25 November 1853. According to Zion’s records they had four children:
Maria Margaretha Anna, born 12 July 1854
Margaretha Katharina, born 2 Jan 1856
A stillborn child born on 29 January 1857
Johann Martin, born 21 January 1858
Johann Martin was the only one of their children that lived to adulthood. Pankratius Schinnerer died on 8 July 1857.
Widow Rosina Schinnerer then married Georg Geissler on 12 Aug 1858. According to Zion’s records they had five children:
Conrad Christian Adam, born 9 June 1861, died 3 May 1863
Catharine Friederike, born 1 January 1863
Johanne Margarethe Elisabeth, born 10 October 1865, died 6 March 1868
Twins Anna Magdalene and Catharine Elisabeth, born 30 April 1868. Catharine Elisabeth died 23 March 1913 and Anna Magdalene was the second wife of “River Henry” Schumm and died 2 March 1946.
I used Zion’s church records to continue to piece together the rest of Rosina’s life. The church records show that a Georg Geissler died on 16 April 1872. This was probably Rosina’s husband. He was buried in the church cemetery but his tombstone does not appear to be in the church cemetery today.
Zion’s records then show that widow Rosina Geisler married Johann Lutz on 21 May 1877 in the church. Armed with this new information I checked the census records. Names were spelled various ways in the census records.
In 1870 the Geisler family was living in Willshire Township, Van Wert County, Ohio. In the household:
George Geisler, age 44 (born c1826) in Ohio
Rosine, 41 (born c1829) in Ohio [I question the place of birth]
Frediak, 8 (born c1862) in Ohio [listed as a male]
Magdalna, 2 (born c1868) in Ohio
Catharine, 2 (born c1868) in Ohio
Sheimner, M., 12 (born c1858) in Ohio [most likely Johann Martin Schinnerer, son from 1st marriage to Pankratius Schinnerer]
Huffmin, E., 13 (born c1857) in Ohio
In 1880 the Lutz family was living in Willshire Township. In the household:
John Lutz, 33 (born c1849) in Hesse Darmstadt
Rosean Lutz, wife, 51 (born c1829) in Biern
Frederike, daughter, 17 (born c1863) in Ohio
Catherine, daughter, 12 (born c1868) in Ohio
Magdalena, daughter, 12 (born c1868) in Ohio
Martin Shinerer, single [no relationship given], 22 (born c1858) in Ohio
Adam Glessing, farm labor [no relationship given], 30 (born c1850) in Württemberg
As usual, the research answers some questions but then other questions arise. The names and ages of the individuals match, so I feel this is the right family. But I have to wonder about the age difference between Rosina and Johann Lutz. When they married she was 47 and he was 28! Then there is Rosina’s tombstone. Her name is Geisler on her tombstone. Her death record also calls her Mrs. Rosina Geisler. Questions, questions, and more questions!
I would love to hear from anyone that has additional information about Rosina Hoffmann Schinnerer Geisler Lutz.
I stopped at the Zion Lutheran Cemetery at Schumm last Sunday and it was a beautiful fall day. It was a perfect day for looking at and photographing tombstones. The trees here are just about at their peak and the woods across the road was very colorful.
(Page numbers of the sources of information used from the Zion Lutheran, Schumm, church records available upon request.)