For the longest time I had hoped to see an honest-to-goodness Chattanooga, Ohio, postmark and I finally got to see and photograph one last December. [see: A Chattanooga, Ohio, Postmark , 29 Jan 2016]
But since that time I have seen more Chattanooga, Ohio, postmarks than I ever expected. I found them, and some Chattanooga Post Office receipts, among papers that belonged to my great-grandfather Jacob Miller.
Below is an 1899 registered letter receipt from the Chattanooga, Ohio, post office.
I also found the receipts of several postal money orders purchased by Jacob Miller that bear the Chattanooga postmark.
The postal money order receipt below is dated 23 November and what looks like the year 1903. It was for $1.60.
The second money order receipt is dated 12 November 1904.
The third money order receipt is dated 20-something March, but I cannot make out the year or the amount.
The Post office at Chattanooga, Ohio, also rented boxes. Jacob Miller rented box number 96 and the rental fee was $.10 a year. There is no date on his two box receipts I found but they were both probably from about the same time period as the money orders. These were both signed by Andrew Leistner, Chattanooga’s Postmaster.
The reverse of the box receipts had the rules and regulations:
Wow, how interesting!!
I’m always amazed at the penmanship of these people with little education. My Dad had very nice writing and only able to complete the 8th grade, which he had to take 2 yrs. to be old enough to quit school! His parents lived in the Durbin area and could not afford to send their large family to high school in Celina. I’m told he was one of he best welders in the area and later a welding engineer for many years at New Idea.
They did have nice penmanship. It was actually very readable, compared to some of today’s cursive writing. (Mine, for example.) And they are not even going to teach cursive writing anymore. I wonder how that will work out… Thanks for reading and telling about your dad!