Yesterday I received some preliminary results from my latest DNA test. About a month ago I sent a saliva sample to 23andMe and the results are back already. The initial results are easy to understand and, as always, are interesting. The test results from 23andMe gave me some new information as well as reiterating some …
Category: DNA
Jun 19
My Mitochondrial DNA
A while back I wrote about the Y-DNA test one of my male Brewster cousins took to determine if we were descended from the Mayflower Brewsters. Unfortunately that test indicated that we do not descend from Elder William Brewster. The test results were rather interesting, though, so last year I decided to have my DNA …
Aug 30
Brewster DNA Test
DNA testing is rather popular among genealogists these days. The possibility of discovering ancestral origins, unknown relatives and family connections is appealing to us. So I recently decided to explore this area of genealogy, too. I am still learning about using DNA for genealogy research but I know a little more about interpreting the results …