Tag: Friends Church

Final 3 Friends Churches of Van Wert Quarterly Meeting

The past couple weeks I have written about Friends Churches in Mercer and Van Wert Counties that were established under the Van Wert Quarterly Meeting of Friends (Quakers), as described in Gregory P. Hinshaw’s brief history of the churches.

Hinshaw’s history tells that there were 3 additional Friends churches in the Van Wert Quarterly Meeting, two of them in other counties and the third in another state.

Old Friends Churches in Van Wert County

Last week I wrote about the Friends (Quaker) churches in northern Mercer County, as described by Gregory P. Hinshaw in his Brief History of the Churches of Van Wert Quarterly Meeting of Friends (Quakers).

Today, again using Hinshaw’s history, the Friends churches in neighboring Van Wert County.

Friends Churches in Northern Mercer County

One of my sources for last week’s blog post about the old Pleasant Hill Friends Church in Dublin Township was a compilation of Friends churches in the Mercer-Van Wert County area by Gregory P. Hinshaw. His “Brief History of the Churches of Van Wert Quarterly Meeting of Friends (Quakers)” gives some very good information about these early local churches.

I was surprised to learn that there were five Friends Churches within a few miles of us. Two of the churches are still standing in their original locations, two have been moved to other locations, and one church has been taken down.