Wednesday I went over to visit Mary, my first cousin once removed. We spent the afternoon talking and had a wonderful visit. She had invited me over to look at some old family photos. Of course I am always eager to learn more about the family and scan old family photos.
Mary and I share common ancestors through the Scaers, Schinnerers, and Schumms. Her mother Edna (Scaer) Schumm was the younger sister of my grandmother Hilda (Scaer) Schumm, daughters of John and Elizabeth “Lizzie” (Schinnerer) Scaer. We had a lot to talk about.
John and Lizzie Scaer started housekeeping near Monroeville, Indiana, but moved east of Willshire about 1905, when John purchased a farm from Martin Schinnerer. These photos were taken at their frame house on Willshire Eastern Road before John remodeled the house by adding on to the east side and putting a brick facade on the house.
Mary showed me some photos of her mother Edna and my grandmother Hilda as young women, photos that I had never seen before.
I cannot say for certain, but I believe the vase with flowers situated between the two sisters in the above photos is the same vase I have in the photo below, or one just like it. I have two of these beautiful carnival glass vases that my mom said were her mother’s [Hilda’s] old vases. My cousin Mary also has one and she said they were actually Lizzie’s vases, Lizzie being the mother of Hilda and Edna. At any rate, the vases are old and it is certainly interesting to see one in an old photo!
I am not sure which Carl Schinnerer is in the photos above. There was a Karl Freidrich Schinnerer, born in 1898, the son of George Friedrich and Minnie (Roehm) Schinnerer. They lived in Willshire Township and I suspect he is likely the person in the photos.
There was also a Rev. Carl August Schinnerer, born in 1889, the son of Rev. Johann Jacob Friedrich and Anna Margaret (Evers) Schinnerer. That family lived in Iowa and other states out west.
The sisters would have been second cousins to both Carl Schinnerers.
Old photos are the best, especially when the people are identified.