Oranges at Christmastime

When I was in elementary school at Willshire, probably during the first three or four grades, just before Christmas Santa would visit the school and give each a student a gift, a little brown paper bag with an orange in it. There may have also been an apple and a candy cane in the bag, but I distinctly remember the orange.


It was a real treat. I was excited to get the gift from Santa, even if it was only an orange. A gift is a gift and oranges are a sweet, tasty fruit treat.

Last week I featured some letters to Santa that were written in 1917. Most of the children at that time asked for fruit and candy. When they asked for fruit, they were likely asking for oranges.

Oranges have long been a popular Christmas gift, often put in a Christmas stocking. In some areas and at certain times, like during the Great Depression, oranges were a rare, special treat that may have been the only gifts under the Christmas tree.

There is an old tale behind the tradition of oranges as Christmas gifts.

Saint Nicholas, aka Santa Claus, was the son of a wealthy merchant who later became a bishop. He lived near a man with three daughters. When the man fell on hard times, Saint Nicholas secretly threw three bags of gold through his window. A bag of gold landed in each daughter’s stocking, stockings that were hanging on the mantle to dry. People eventually learned the identity of the gift giver, called him Saint Nicholas, and oranges came to represent the bags of gold he gave. An orange placed in the toe of the stocking was used to represent good fortune for the recipient.  

Oranges also symbolize giving and sharing during the holiday season because the orange segments can easily be shared with others.


Yes, oranges are a symbol of Christmas, a common item included in holiday fruit baskets, and a popular winter fruit.


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    • Deb Reichard on December 27, 2024 at 7:46 am
    • Reply

    My Dad always said when he got an orange for Christmas it meant it was a good year for the Bollenbacher family! Happy New Year!

    1. He was right! Oranges mean good luck. Now we know.

    • Jeffrey Smith on December 27, 2024 at 10:04 am
    • Reply

    we were just talking about oranges yesterday the 26th, as a child every Christmas we went to the Smith family farm on Oregon Rd. and my Grandparents always had oranges for Christmas. I still enjoy having oranges every year for Christmas. Thanks Karen and Happy Holidays.

    1. Yes, they are a popular tasty fruit for the holiday season. Even peeling them is a pleasant activity and an anticipation of eating them. Thanks for writing!

    • Phyllis Brockmyer on December 28, 2024 at 6:20 pm
    • Reply

    In the 1950s, Doc Alspaugh, the local vet who wintered in Cuba, had oranges sent and they were given out from his house in Willshire. It was a great treat!

    1. What a treat! They were probably very fresh and delicious. Thanks for sharing that.

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